Cramer-Krasselt NY had won Nikon’s US business with new positioning Show Your Love Some Love, leveraging the insight that phone camera image quality cannot match Nikon innovations. We launched a line of action and performance cameras for all levels.KeyMission 360 Launch [YouTube pre-roll] Chopped up video that had been shot on a KeyMission 360 by the Nikon Asia team, and threaded the best footage together. Wrote script to picture.
KeyMission 360 Event [Photo Plus International Expo NYC]
At the largest photography and imaging event in North America, Nikon is one of hundreds of booths in Javits Convention Center. How do you spark interest in a program guide loaded with eye candy, and get people to booth 401? Crop the gear. Tell, don’t show.

We knew the ad had to use the global creative headline structure of “I AM…” and that the D5 and D500 are for taking travel, outdoor and wildlife pictures. It needed an idea.
The audience for these cameras are inspired and awed by the beauty of the world, they are committed to something greater than themselves.

Role: Senior Copywriter
ECD: Craig Markus
CD/AD: Catherine Abbenda
AD: Coleman Davis
AD: Zack Hirsch
Agency: Cramer-Krasselt NY
ECD: Craig Markus
CD/AD: Catherine Abbenda
AD: Coleman Davis
AD: Zack Hirsch
Agency: Cramer-Krasselt NY